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Below is a list of questions that we are frequently asked by our customers.  If you don't see the question you are looking for, please contact us directly so we can assist you. Thank you!

​Remember Courtesy on the lot to everyone around your space is key to everyone having a pleasurable experience.

  • Why do you keep a movie for 2 or 3 weeks?
    The movie companies require at least 2 weeks run time if you want to get their new movie, and to get a new release it cost between 50% to 65% of the gate admissions for that one movie and sometimes they require a 3 week showing for that new release. Then we show a second movie that can be between 5% to 20% of the gate admissions and then you get to add sales tax of 9.75% and there is not much revenue left at the ticket gate for the theatre owner. We could get different movies every week if we show 2nd run movies that are a month old or older, and not show a new release movie. but our experience says people want new movies mixed with a second movie that is second run. The bottom line is to be profitable business we need to sell food, sell food, sell food.
  • Why do you not charge per car instead of per person?
    Because some people remember the days when Drive-In Movie Theatre's did charge by the car load. If we play old movies, the type that is on a DVD at your local store we can acquire a nightly or weekly fee to show that movie and charge a per car load price. But if we show new movies that are in first run Theatre's across the country then its a per person price. The movie companies invest many millions of dollars to produce a product and until they deem it to be unmarketable in a first run Theatre it is always admission per person. This is how movie companies stay in business and making a profit. Sometimes we may do a special event for an organization that wants an old movie, and then and only then do we enter into a price per car or a very reduced rate of admission. Pass on the word, this is one of the most asked question by the older Generation that remembers per car at the Drive In. What they don't remember is that those movies were 1 or 2 or 3 years old if they were A list movies or they were B or C list movies if they were newer and just did not have a draw as a A list movie so the Movie companies was trying to get their investment money back any way they could and would let the Drive In Theatre's have them for a car load admission price. That coined the phrase back then as a "Thats a Drive In Movie" which sometimes meant it was not an A list movie. Movies were not generally shown on television until the late 1960's except for special events like the "Wizard of Oz" once a year, or "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer" once a year.
  • What is the rule about headlights?
    Headlights must be off during the Movie. No Exceptions. Just because your lighting knob says your lights are off and they are not off then you are in violation. (Many cars have automatic lights these days and its not always easy to understand how to turn them off but I strongly suggest that all drivers know how to turn off the lights on their vehicle.)
  • How is the movie audio provided?
    Due to Covid-19, we will not be providing portable radios until further notice. We transmit the sound on FM stereo at 92.5. You may use the radio in your car, or we have a limited number of radios for a $3 fee plus your I.D. Please remember we supply the movie, and you supply the sound on your car radio, or rent a radio from us. Also remember all your vehicle lights must be off during the movie. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • What happens when there is bad weather?
    The movie plays rain or shine. No Rain checks, or ticket refund if it rains. Movies always start at dusk or dark. (Dusk is approximately 40 min. after sunset). Only in the event of the threat of tornado's issued by the National Weather Service will we willfully not open the gates for our scheduled showing and in that event we will post it on Facebook and our web-site and our announcement phone line ​865-379-7884 as soon as we know.
  • How is parking handled?
    Each Vehicle is entitled to a 10 ft. wide spot to park. No tents or popups or anything to obstruct the view of other patrons on the lot. Nothing above roof level, so not to block someones else view. If you are in a Motor home or large vehicle we can appoint you a parking space. You may bring chairs and sit outside your vehicle, but only occupy your spot. Due to Covid-19, we are only allowing 200 designated parking spots for vehicles. We only allow 200 vehicles on the lot then it is a sellout. After it is deemed a sellout, there will be no walk ons, or drop offs of patrons. NO EXCEPTION!
  • What is the movie schedule?
    Our movie schedule can be viewed on our movie listings page. We only schedule a few weeks at a time. The movies always play in the order they are listed on the website, Marquee, Facebook or any other advertising. Be sure to look for the proper date you plan to attend, because movies may play one rotation on one day and swap rotation on the next day.
  • How much is admission?
    We consider all our movie prices to be discounts to all patrons. We ask all Patrons to be prepared with items they may need throughout the few hours stay that we do not sell like tobacco products or baby diapers because we ask all patrons to pay again if they leave the premises during the night and wants to return. The confusion of people walking across the street to the store and the man power it takes to keep up with that process of people coming and going at will is more than we can supply. ​So please come prepared and Please check out our menu for our Concession on this site. We are a General Admission attended event, No saving spaces for people arriving later. No ticket sales prior to the gate opening. Ticket prices listed below. ADMISSION 2 MOVIES Adults $10.00 Children 5 thru 12 $5.00 Children 4 and under Free No same night re-entries without paying full price to re-enter.
  • Are dogs allowed on the property?
    Well Behaved dogs on a leash are welcome.
  • Is food/concessions provided?
    We have a full menu concession and we take cash or credit cards. VIEW OUR MENU No Grilling or food preparations are allowed on our property. No food may be delivered to this establishment from a delivery service. NO EXCEPTIONS! ​Concession sales is the way all Theatres are able to stay open and be a profitable business.
  • Do you have restrooms?
    Restrooms are available and also a few portable toilets if the lot is crowded.
  • Is there green space on the property?
    We have many green space lawns to play or toss a ball or Frisbee. Please use the Green Space to throw any objects that may get loose or out of control because no one likes their car being hit with any object. There is no Playground equipment. We ask that you do not fly drones on the property.
  • Is smoking allowed?
    Smoking is allowed, however, we do not sell tobacco products so if you need these products, please have an evenings supply when you enter.

Movies and start times subject to change!

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Movies always play rain or shine! Cash only at the ticket booth. Cash, credit, debit at the concession.

Thursday & Friday Night October 17th & 18th

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Thursday Night:

Short film block & Grindhouse Grindout

 Starts @ 7:30PM

The Thaw & The Thing: @ 9:00PM

Friday Night:

A Nightmare on Elm St.  @7:30PM

Will Helm + New Nightmare @9:10PM

Shocker @ 11:20PM

Saturday Night Only
October 19th 

Rocky Horror Picture Show:
Gates @ 7:00pm
Movie @ 10:00pm


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Costumes welcome & encouraged. We want to have fun.                         Please only Bread, Birdseed, or of the sort.

            Please be respectful to other's property/vehicles. 


                All admissions $8.00/person

Friday & Saturday night
October 25th & 26th

Movie Playing
The last dance

Movie Starts at 8:00PM

Saturday only


Vehicle setup       4:15pm


             Trunk-O-Treat                               5:00-6:30pm                                                     

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